Thursday, February 21, 2008

Makeover, Anyone?

What I love most about my fabulous self is that I always love my look, and never get a (pardon the hideous pun) "wild hair" and think about turning my naturally blond, albeit, slightly enhanced blond self a deep auburn or vampy black. Alright, so I might be stretching the truth a little...ok a lot. Right now I am in desperate need of a new look and am willing my shoulder length hair to grow at least a foot by tomorrow. So when I stumbled upon this makeover program on I spent an embarrassingly long amount of time giving myself a pain free makeover. You can upload a photo of yourself or pick one of the models that looks the most like you. Then it's a free for all with hair color, style, makeup, accessories, and so much more. It's so much fun and addictive. Though I didn't find any instantaneous solutions to make my hair longer, I did learn that I should stick to blond. Black is scary and red...geeze the horor. Check it out for yourselves!

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